Welcome at ASSISI.DE !
You can now search the complete work of all stained glass windows at the Church of San Francesco, and most of the frescos about the life of Christ, the Old and New Testament and the life of St. Francis. Furthermore, there are some hundred pictures of Franciscan sites, reproductions of important Codices (the laws, the will of St. Francis, Cantico del Frate Sole, the missale of King Ludwig of Toulouse) and pictures concerning the disastrous earthquake of September, 27th, 1997, the damage done to churches and homes at Assisi are all at your fingertips. You can also search for pictures about the restoration of frescos and buildings in progress. After registering and completing the billing procedure online, you can choose the resolution required, ranging from 1500 and 3000 pixel longest dimension in RGB - JPEG - format, and on inquiry up to 8000 pixels available per email or CD-ROM. The maximum size of files normally ranges up to 140 Megabytes RGB. Would
you like to place your own photographic work at ASSISI.DE? For more information please contact
To the Sisters and Friars of St. Francis! Under certain conditions (see business conditions) you may use the picture database free of charge! Naturally, we welcome all help and offers of sponsorship (see Friends of Assisi), also every support concerning translation of this page to other languages. |
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